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Calcium Supplement

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Calcium and Phosphorous are essential macro minerals, they are the most abundant mineral nutrient in the body. Calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) are required in large quantities by poultry and involved in many biological processes. Calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) are important nutrients in poultry diet formulations.
Calcium functions as a constituent of bones and regulation of nerve and muscle function. In blood coagulation, calcium activates the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin. It plays a vital role in enzyme activation. Calcium activates a large number of enzymes such as Adenosine Tri-Phosphatase (ATPase), succinic dehydrogenase, lipase etc….(Soetan et al., 2010).
Phosphorus is essential for bone formation, acid-base balance, protein synthesis and growth of body tissues. Phosphorous is a part of phospholipids (fat molecules). It is also an important consistent of the high-energy compound Adenosine tri- Phosphate (ATP),nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) that are responsible for cell reproduction (Soetan et al., 2010).
Calcium requirement is easily satisfied with low price sources such as limestone or oyster shell.


  • Lameness
  • Stiff legs
  • Ruffled feathers
  • A reduction in growth
  • Leg bones appear rubbery
  • Joints become enlarged
  • A calcium deficient diet may cause paralysis followed by death
  • Adding organic acids to the feed which has shown to improve calcium digestibility, especially in older hens.
  • Adequate levels of Vitamin D, which is associated with calcium absorption, is also a good way of keeping calcium uptake at high levels.
  • Minimizing excess dietary phosphorous can also lead to increased calcium availability, as phosphorous can bind calcium in the gut rendering it unavailable. In addition, phosphate salts often contain contaminating minerals that can interfere with calcium metabolism and eggshell formation.
  • Saline water and excess dietary salt can also cause reduced calcium availability, leading to eggshell deterioration.
  • Also mycotoxin zearalenone binds vitamin D and can cause secondary calcium deficiency.
