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Anaemia / Protozoan Diseases

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Anaemia: Reduction in numbers of circulatory RBC, hemoglobin and reduction in packed cell volume of blood. It can also be defined as a lowered ability of the blood to carry oxygen.

Anemia is very common in dairy animals, due to parasitic infestation. Several factors such as worm load, ticks, type of fodder/nutrition, etc. lead to anemia. Iron level in the blood goes down while suffering from anemia.

Anemia leads to poor growth rate in calves.

In large animals it leads to low production & reproduction.

In large animals haemoprotozoan infections commonly leads to severe anemia.

Basic requirements to cover anemia in haemoprotozoan diseases along with anti-protozoal drug are as follows;

  1. Safe injectable iron – Inj. RB Feron
  2. Oral Iron supplementation – RB Feron Bolus
  3. Liver protection & liver regeneration – Hibex Bolus
